Blicher, Steen Steensen

Blicher, Steen Steensen

Danish author
born October 11, 1782, Vium, Jutland, Denmark
died March 26, 1848, Spentrup, Jutland
 Danish poet and short-story writer who portrayed the people of Jutland with humour and irony and with a realism well in advance of his time.

      An unhappily married, impoverished country parson, Blicher led an outdoor lifewalking, shooting game, and talking to peasants, Gypsies, farmers, and squires. Thus, he acquired an impressive command of the Jutland dialect and the materials for his short stories. His first volume of original poems appeared in 1814, and his subsequent poetry expressed both humour and a melancholy acceptance of life. In thePreludeto Trækfuglene (1838; “Birds of Passage”), his finest collection of poems, he presents a self-portrait of a caged bird longing for freedom. As his private life worsened, Blicher took to drink.

      Blicher's fame rests primarily on his short stories and short novels. His best-known work, the novella Brudstykker af en landsbydegns dagbog (1824; trans. in The Diary of a Parish Clerk and Other Stories), is written in masterful prose and shows Blicher's psychological insight into the Jutlanders' character. In his stories he ranges from resignation to humour to irony. The general feeling of his narrative style is realistic; life is seen as the great shatterer of illusions since it never keeps its promises. The Diary of a Parish Clerk and Other Stories (1996), translated by Paula Hostrup-Jessen, includes seven of Blicher's stories.

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