

      city, southeastern Turkey, southwest of Lake Van (Van, Lake) at 4,600 feet (1,400 metres) above sea level. Strategically situated in the narrow valley of the Bitlis Çay, a tributary of the Tigris River, it commands the only route from the Van basin to the Mesopotamian plains. It was mentioned frequently, as Bagesh, in old Armenian sources. Taken by the Muslim Arabs during the reign of the caliph ʿUmar (634–644), it changed hands intermittently among the Arab dynasties, the Armenians, the Byzantines, the Persian Il-Khans, and the Mongols until the establishment of a Kurdish dynasty in the 14th century. The Kurds at Bitlis, under Ottoman suzerainty, enjoyed considerable autonomy until 1847, when the town came under direct Ottoman administration. The Armenian insurrections at the end of the 19th century and the Russian occupation during World War I hurt Bitlis, reducing its population and damaging its weaving and dyeing industries. Historical monuments include a partly ruined medieval castle and numerous mosques, theological schools, and inns that date from the early Seljuq and Ottoman periods.

      The area in which Bitlis is situated includes the eastern corner of the Muş Plain, the plateau west of Lake Van, and the wild, mountainous country on both sides of the city of Bitlis. The climate in mountainous areas is harsh, with long winters and heavy snowfalls. Agricultural products include fruits, grain, and tobacco; industry is limited to leatherworking, the manufacture of tobacco products, and the weaving and dyeing of coarse cloth. Kurds form the majority of the population. Tatvan, on Lake Van, is a major port. Pop. (2000) 44,923.

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