Bikila, Abebe

Bikila, Abebe

Ethiopian athlete
born Aug. 7, 1932, Mont, Ethiopia
died Oct. 25, 1973, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
 Ethiopian marathon runner who won a gold medal and set a world record while running barefoot at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, then bested his own record at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. He was the first athlete to win two Olympic marathons.

      The son of a shepherd, Bikila began running at age 24. He was little known outside of Ethiopia when he entered the 1960 Olympics and ran the marathon, barefoot, on the cobblestones of the Appian Way. Tied for the lead for much of the race, he broke ahead in the last 1,000 metres and crossed the finish line at the Arch of Constantine in 2 hours 15 minutes 15.2 seconds. Four years later he underwent an appendectomy a month before the Tokyo Olympics. Nevertheless, he won a second gold medal, running the marathonthis time wearing shoesin 2 hours 12 minutes 11.2 seconds. He entered the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City but was forced to drop out of the marathon with a broken leg after 10 miles. A member of the emperor Haile Selassie's imperial bodyguards, Bikila rose to the rank of captain in the palace guard. An automobile accident in 1969 left him a paraplegic.

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Universalium. 2010.

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