

Hindu literature
      (Sanskrit:Ancient Stories of the Lord”), the most celebrated text of a variety of Hindu sacred literature in Sanskrit that is known as the Purāṇas, and the specific text that is held sacred by the Bhāgavata sect. Scholars are in general agreement that the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa was probably composed about the 10th century, somewhere in the Tamil country of South India; its expression of bhakti (religious devotion) is akin in its emotional fervour to that of the South Indian devotional poets, the Āḻvārs. The Purāṇa is made up of some 18,000 stanzas divided into 12 books; but it is book 10, which deals with Krishna's (Krishna) childhood and his years spent among the cowherds of Vṛndāvana, that accounts for its immense popularity with Vaiṣṇavas throughout India. The attempts on Krishna's life made by his wicked uncle Kaṃsa, the childhood pranks he played on his foster mother Yaśodā, his love for the gopīs (the wives and daughters of the cowherds) and their passionate abandonment to him are treated with endearing charm and grace, even while transfused with deep religious significance. The Bhāgavata-Purāṇa, in translation and in inspiration, has resulted in an enormous body of related vernacular literature. Its scenes have been carved in stone on temple walls and have been illustrated in beautiful miniatures by Rajasthani and Pahari painters of the 17th and 18th centuries.

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Universalium. 2010.

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