

Byzantine theologian
also called  John Bessarion,   baptismal name  John,  or  Basil,  Latin  Johannes,  or  Basilius 
born Jan. 2, 1403, Trebizond, Trebizond empire [now Trabzon, Turkey]
died Nov. 18, 1472, Ravenna [Italy]

      Byzantine humanist and theologian, later a Roman cardinal, and a major contributor to the revival of letters in the 15th century.

      He was educated at Constantinople (Istanbul) and adopted the name Bessarion upon becoming a monk in the order of St. Basil in 1423. In 1437 he was made archbishop of Nicaea (now Iznik, Turkey) by the Byzantine emperor John VIII Palaeologus. He accompanied John to Italy in order to negotiate a union between the Byzantine and Western churches as a means of mobilizing assistance against the Turks, who had invaded the Balkan Peninsula and threatened Constantinople.

      At the councils held in the Italian cities of Ferrara and Florence, Bessarion supported union, which was unacceptable to others in the Byzantine church. Bessarion, however, remained in communion with Rome and gained the favour of Pope Eugenius IV, who made him a cardinal in 1439. Thereafter, he lived in Italy. At Rome he contributed to the development of the Roman Academy of History and of Archaeology, and, with his former teacher Gemistus Plethon, the celebrated Neoplatonist, he attracted a circle of philosophers devoted to the study of Plato. From 1450 to 1455 he served as papal governor of Bologna and was sent on embassies to various foreign princes, including King Louis XI of France in 1471.

      One of the most learned scholars of his time, Bessarion spread knowledge of Greek language and learning by building a personal library that included a large collection of Greek manuscripts, by his patronage of scholars, and by his writing. He later donated his library to the Senate of Venice. Bessarion was made Latin patriarch of Constantinople in 1463. His most important work is considered to be In calumniatorem Platonis, a treatise defending Plato against the fervid Aristotelianism of George of Trebizond. His attempts to reconcile the two philosophies influenced Italian philosophy, which assimilated the Byzantine philosophical tradition after the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

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