Berzsenyi, Dániel

Berzsenyi, Dániel

Hungarian poet
born May 7, 1776, Egyházashetye, Hung.
died Feb. 24, 1836, Nikla
 poet who first successfully introduced classical metres and themes in Hungarian poetry.

      Berzsenyi was a country squire who lived far from any town and was for many years unconnected with any literary circle. His activity as a poet was discovered by chance, and he became known through the efforts of Ferenc Kazinczy (Kazinczy, Ferenc), a leading advocate of reform in Hungarian prosody. His only volume of poetry was published in 1813. In 1817 Ferenc Kölcsey (Kölcsey, Ferenc), another Hungarian poet of the period, made an unduly severe judgment on Berzsenyi's work. Deeply hurt, Berzsenyi thereafter virtually ceased to write poetry. This loss to Hungarian literature Kölcsey himself, in a moving funeral oration on Berzsenyi, deplored bitterly.

      Berzsenyi was imbued with the spirit of the classics. The influence of Latin poetry, particularly that of Horace, is noticeable not only in the form of his poems but also in his vocabulary, his choice of subjects, and his philosophy. The grandeur of his thought and the concise vigour of his expression are impressive. His love of Hungary and his attachment to the ideals dictated by an uncompromising moral rectitude are the source of several splendid odes. One of these, “A magyarokhoz” (“To the Hungarians”), bitterly castigates the decadence of his compatriots.

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