Bertran De Born

Bertran De Born

French soldier and troubadour
born c. 1140, , Viscounty of Limoges, Fr.
died 1212, –15, Abbey of Dalon

      French soldier and celebrated medieval troubadour.

      Viscount of Hautefort and lord of vast domains, Bertran twice warred with his brother Constantin for sole possession of the family heritage. Their liege lord, Richard the Lion-Heart (Richard I), Duke of Aquitaine, initially favoured Constantin, successfully besieging Bertran's fortress of Hautefort and expelling him (1183). Later, however, lord and vassal were reconciled; and Bertran, restored to his lands, abetted Richard and his brothers in their rebellions against their father, Henry II of England. After Richard became king of England (1189), Bertran accompanied him on the crusade to Palestine. After returning to France, he wrote violently militant poetry, egging on Richard in his wars with Philip II of France.

      Bertran produced some of the most serene and beautiful poetryas well as some of the most militaristicin Provençal literature, 45 pieces of which are extant. He is represented in Dante's (Dante) Inferno, in which he carries his severed head before him like a lantern and is compared with the biblical Achitophel, who also incited royal sons against their father (David).

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