Bertoldo di Giovanni

Bertoldo di Giovanni

Italian sculptor
born 1420
died 1491, Poggio a Caiano, republic of Florence

      Italian Renaissance sculptor and medalist who was a student of Donatello and a teacher of Michelangelo.

      Bertoldo and Bartolomeo Bellano of Padua were the two bronze specialists associated with Donatello, and Bertoldo's earliest known work was executed between 1460 and 1470 on the San Lorenzo pulpits, which had been left unfinished by Donatello. He had the major responsibility for the frieze and also executed work on the relief of the entombment.

      Bertoldo produced for his friend Lorenzo de' Medici (Medici, Lorenzo de') a battle relief influenced by a Greco-Roman sarcophagus found at Pisa. Toward the end of his life, he was selected as curator of Lorenzo's antiquities collection and as director and teacher in the painting and sculpture school that Lorenzo had established in his gardens near San Marco; Michelangelo studied at the school for several years. Other notable works produced by Bertoldo include a relief of The Crucifixion with Attending Saints, and a bronze statuette of Orpheus and one of Apollo. As a sculptor Bertoldo is notable for his energetic, anatomically precise figures grouped in dynamic compositions.

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