Bernard, Jean-Jacques

Bernard, Jean-Jacques

French dramatist
born July 30, 1888, Enghien-les-Bains, France
died Sept. 12, 1972, Paris
 French playwright and chief representative of what became known as l'école du silence (theschool of silence”) or, as some critics called it, theart of the unexpressed,” in which the dialogue does not express the characters' real attitudes. As in Martine(1922), perhaps the best example of his work, emotions are implied in gestures, facial expressions, fragments of speech, and silence.

      The son of the dramatist Tristan Bernard, Jean-Jacques began writing plays before World War I. Unconscious jealousy is the theme of Le Feu qui reprend mal (1921; The Sulky Fire) and Le Printemps des autres (1924; The Springtime of Others). In L'Âme en peine (1926; The Unquiet Spirit), two characters who never meet feel an inexplicable disquiet whenever they are near one another. Included among Bernard's later plays are the more conventional À la recherche des coeurs (1931; “In Search of Hearts”) and Jeanne de Pantin (1933).

      Bernard's nondramatic writings include Le Camp de la mort lente (1944; The Camp of Slow Death), a description of the German concentration camp at Compiègne, in which he, as a Jew, was interned, and Mon ami le théâtre (1958; “My Friend the Theatre”).

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Universalium. 2010.

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