Berlichingen, Götz von

Berlichingen, Götz von

German knight
Götz also rendered  Gottfried , byname  Götz with the Iron Hand , German  Götz mit der Eisernen Hand 
born 1480, Jagsthausen Castle, Württemberg [Germany]
died July 23, 1562, Hornberg Castle
 imperial knight (Reichsritter), romanticized in legend as a German Robin Hood and remembered as hero of J.W. von Goethe's play Götz von Berlichingen. His iron hand was a substitute for a hand shot away in the siege of Landshut (1504). He served under various masters in a series of campaigns, ending with the wars against the Turks in Hungary (1542) and the campaign of the Habsburg emperor Charles V against the French (1544). When not engaged as a warrior, he kidnapped nobles for ransom and attacked convoys of merchants for booty, activities that twice put him under ban of the empire. He led a section of rebels in the Peasants' War (1525), but after claiming that he had been compelled by the rebels to do so, he was acquitted by the imperial chamber.

      Perhaps the most remarkable thing about his life is that he lived to old age in a turbulent and violent era. He told about his life in his Autobiography (1731), an entertaining account of an eventful period when knights such as Götz were becoming anachronisms.

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