Benet Goitia, Juan

Benet Goitia, Juan

Spanish writer
Goitia also spelled  Goita 
born Oct. 7, 1927, Madrid, Spain
died Jan. 5, 1993, Madrid

      Spanish writer noted for his intricate novels and experimental prose style.

      Benet lived with his family outside Spain during the Civil War (193639). After returning to Spain, he studied civil engineering and earned an advanced degree in 1954. He became a highway engineer in rural areas of Spain, working in León in northwestern Spain, Asturias, and the Basque provinces.

      In 1961 he published a volume of short stories, Nunca llegarás a nada (“You'll Never Amount to Anything”). He settled in Madrid in 1964. In his first novelVolverás a Región (1967; Return to Región)—Benet recounts the attitudes of different characters living in an area he calls Región, somewhat resembling León. The novel caused considerable interest in Spain because of its tantalizing effects. There are frequent changes in viewpoint, and many of the passages are open to conflicting interpretation. This first novel constitutes a trilogy with Una meditación (1969; A Meditation) and Un viaje de invierno (1972; “A Winter Journey”). Benet's writings are complex and demanding of the reader's participation. His later works include En el estado (1977; “In the State”), Saúl ante Samuel (1980; “Saul Before Samuel”), En la penumbra (1982; “In the Penumbra”), Herrumbrosas lanzas (1983; “Rusty Lances”), and El caballero de Sajonia (1991; “The Knight of Saxony”). He also wrote plays and critical essays.

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