Benedetti, Vincent, Comte

Benedetti, Vincent, Comte

French diplomat
born April 29, 1817, Bastia, Corsica
died March 28, 1900, Paris

      French diplomat remembered chiefly for his role in the events leading up to the Franco-German War in 1870.

      Benedetti studied law in Paris and in 1840 entered consular service. He served in several embassies in Europe and the Middle East between 1845 and 1864, when he was named ambassador to Prussia with instructions from Napoleon III to prevent an Austro-Prussian alliance. The six-year series of negotiations that followed resulted only in deadlock. In July 1870 a Hohenzollern prince became the candidate for the Spanish throne, and Benedetti was instructed to urge King William I's renunciation of the candidacy and to obtain a guarantee that it would not be renewed. This William would not promise. The record of the meeting's outcome was published in an edited form that made it appear as if Benedetti had been insulted as well as refused. France clamoured for war, and Benedetti was recalled. He retired to Corsica, where he practiced law. In Ma Mission en Prusse (1871) he defended his diplomatic actions.

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