Beneden, Pierre-Joseph van
- Beneden, Pierre-Joseph van
▪ Belgian scientist
born , Dec. 19, 1809, Mechelen, Belg.
died Jan. 8, 1894, Louvain [Leuven]
parasitologist and paleontologist best known for his discovery of the life cycle of tapeworms (Cestoda).
After an apprenticeship with the pharmacist Louis Stoffels, van Beneden studied medicine at the University of Louvain. In 1835 he was appointed professor of zoology at the Catholic University of Louvain, where he remained throughout his career. In 1842 he was elected to the Belgian Academy of Sciences, of which he became president in 1881.
Van Beneden'
s work on tapeworms (
began in 1845 and continued for about 15 years.
Before his studies,
certain life stages of tapeworms had been discovered and named,
but their relationship was not suspected;
some were even thought to represent aberrant tissues of the animals in which they were found.
By studying the digestive tracts of many fishes,
van Beneden was able to show that organisms known as cysticerci were larvae of intestinal worms then called taeniae (
adult tapeworms).
Van Beneden'
s work covered a wide range of parasites in diverse animals and culminated with his Les Commensaux et les parasites dans le règne animal (
1875; “
Commensals and Parasites in the Animal Kingdom”).
About 1859 he began a study of fossil and recent whales,
which resulted in a major work,
written in collaboration with the Belgian anatomist Paul Gervais,
Ostéographie des Cétacés, vivants et fossiles (
80; “
The Osteology of Cetaceans,
Living and Fossil”).
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Pierre-Joseph van Beneden — Pierre Joseph Van Beneden † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pierre Joseph Van Beneden Born at Mechlin, Belgium, 19 Dec., 1809; died at Louvain, 8 Jan., 1894. Educated for the medical profession, he was appointed curator of the natural history … Catholic encyclopedia
Pierre Joseph van Beneden — (* 19. Dezember 1809 in Mechelen, Belgien; † 8. Januar 1894 in Löwen) war ein belgischer Parasitologe und Paläontologe, der vor allem für seine Forschungen über Bandwürmer (Cestoda) bekannt ist. Leben und Wirken Ab 1835 war er Professor für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pierre-joseph van beneden — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Van Beneden. La statue de Pierre Joseph van Beneden à Malines. Pierre Joseph Van Beneden … Wikipédia en Français
Pierre-Joseph van Beneden — (b. Mechelen, Belgium, December 19, 1809; d. Leuven January 8, 1894) was a zoologist and paleontologist. He studied medicine at the University of Louvain, and studied zoology in Paris under Georges Cuvier (1769 1832). In 1831 he became curator at … Wikipedia
Van Beneden, Pierre-Joseph — • Professor of zoology and comparative anatomy in the Catholic University at Louvain (1809 1831) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Pierre-Joseph van Beneden — Statue von Pierre Joseph van Beneden in Mechelen Pierre Joseph van Beneden (* 19. Dezember 1809 in Mechelen, Belgien; † 8. Januar 1894 in Löwen) war ein belgischer Parasitologe und Paläontologe, der vor allem für seine Forschungen über … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pierre-Joseph van Beneden — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Van Beneden. La statue de Pierre Joseph van Beneden à Malines (sculpteur Jules Lagae). Pierre Joseph Van Beneden (né le … Wikipédia en Français
Beneden — ist der Name von Édouard van Beneden (1846–1910), belgischer Cytologe, Sohn von Pierre Joseph van Beneden Pierre Joseph van Beneden (1809–1894) belgischer Parasitologe und Paläontologe Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Beneden — Beneden, Pierre Joseph van, Zoolog, geb. 19. Dez. 1809 in Mecheln, gest. 8. Jan. 1894 in Löwen, studierte Medizin, wurde 1831 Konservator am naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Löwen, 1835 Professor in Gent, 1836 in Löwen, 1842 Mitglied der… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Beneden — Benēden, Pierre Joseph van, belg. Zoolog, geb. 19. Dez. 1809 in Mecheln, seit 1836 Prof. in Löwen, gest. das. 8. Jan. 1894, verdient um die Kenntnis der niedern Tiere, bes. der Eingeweidewürmer; schrieb: »Iconographie des helminthes« (1860),… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon