Bellman, Carl Michael

Bellman, Carl Michael

Swedish poet and musician
born Feb. 4, 1740, Stockholm
died Feb. 11, 1795, Stockholm
 outstanding poet-musician of 18th-century Sweden, whose songs have remained popular in Scandinavia, though he is little known elsewhere.

      The son of a wealthy civil servant, he studied at Uppsala University and entered the government service, but his salary and a stipend from King Gustav III hardly allowed him to support himself and his family. In early youth he published religious and satirical works and translations from German and French. By the 1760s, his popular drinking songs and biblical parodies were being sung throughout Scandinavia, circulated by word of mouth, handwritten copies, and printed sheets. He borrowed the music for his songs from the works of others, revising the tunes when necessary. He performed them to his own accompaniment on the zither. About 1765, Bellman began to write a cycle of songs, Fredmans epistlar, the title alluding to the Pauline Epistles, which were parodied in the early songs. Fredman was modelled after a respected clockmaker who took to drinking and died in poverty. Following the mocking, parodic style of Jean-Joseph Vadé and other French writers, Bellman began by adapting minuets, contredanses, and arias from French musical comedies in a highly original manner, though several songs in this collection were entirely of his own composition.

      Fredmans epistlar was not published until 1790, when it appeared with an introduction by the famous critic J.H. Kellgren. During this time Bellman had strengthened the narrative and dramatic elements in his work and had added many new figures to his gallery of middle-class Stockholmers. The 82 songs in the final collection reflect his poetic and personal development. The feeling for nature and vivid characterizations in the epistlar make it unique in Swedish poetry. It was followed in 1791 by Fredmans sånger, also a varied collection, but containing mainly drinking songs. Bacchi tempel (1783), a poem in alexandrines, also contained some songs and engravings. Bellman's other works, including plays and occasional poems, were published posthumously.

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