

Islamic sect
Turkish  Bektaşi 

      any member of an order of Muslim mystics founded, according to their own traditions, by Ḥājjī Bektāsh Walī of Khorāsān, Iran. It acquired definitive form in the 16th century in Anatolia (Turkey) and spread to the Ottoman Balkans, particularly Albania.

      Originally one of many Ṣūfī orders within orthodox Sunnite Islām, the Bektashi order in the 16th century adopted tenets of the Shīʿite sect, including a veneration of ʿAlī, the fourth successor of the prophet Muḥammad, as a member of a trinity with Allāh and the Prophet himself. Like many Ṣūfīs, the Bektashi were quite lax in observing daily Muslim laws, and women as well as men took part in ritual wine drinking and dancing during devotional ceremonies. The Bektashi in the Balkans adapted such Christian practices as the ritual sharing of bread and the confession of sins. Bektashi mystical writings made a rich contribution to Ṣūfī poetry.

      The Bektashi acquired political importance in the 15th century, when the order dominated the Janissaries (Janissary), an elite Ottoman military corps recruited from Christian lands. Their influence waned after 1826, when the Janissaries were disbanded, but the order underwent a revival later in the century, with the rebuilding of the monasteries and a flowering of literary activity in Turkey and Albania. After 1925, when all Ṣūfī orders were dissolved in Turkey, the Bektashi leadership shifted to Albania. With the banning of religion in Albania in 1967, Bektashi devotions were carried on by communities in Turkey, Albanian regions of the Balkans, and the United States.

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Universalium. 2010.

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