

 megye (county), southeastern Hungary, occupying a vast area of agricultural flatland on the Great Alfold (Great Hungarian Plain, or Nagy Magyar Alföld). It is bordered by the counties of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok to the northwest and Hajdú-Bihar to the northeast, by Romania to the southeast and south, and by the county of Csongrád to the west. Békéscsaba is the county seat.

      Major towns include Békéscsaba, Battonya, Békés, Gyomaendrod, Gyula, Mezoberény, Mezohegyes, Orosháza, Sarkad, and Szarvas. The county has significant ethnic German, Romanian, and Roma (Gypsy) populations.

 Békés has hot summers, severe winters, light rainfall, and, as a consequence of human activities, sparse vegetation. Preserves throughout the county help protect the few remaining areas of natural flora. In the northern part of the county, broad swaths along the Körös and Berettyó rivers are irrigated. In addition to cereals, specialty crops of poppy seeds and sour cherries are produced. Wheat and corn (maize) fields account for much of the agricultural use of the land. Cattle, pigs, and poultry are raised.

      The traditional branches of industry are food processing (milling and meat production) and construction materials (bricks and tiles). Also significant are the timber and furniture industries and shoe and glass manufacturing. At Gyula, meat (notably renowned Gyula sausage), vegetable, and dairy products are packaged. In the vicinity of Orosháza are several government experimental farms, where hybrid cereal strains have been tested and produced.

      Békés county is known in Hungarian history as theStormy Cornerbecause of continual agitation by its peasants for land reforms. Tourism has gradually gained significance. Besides its thermal baths and tourist attractions (including the arboretum at Szarvas), there are several secluded rivers and lakes that are good for fishing, and the county is rich in small game (rabbit, pheasant) for hunting. Area 2,174 square miles (5,631 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 382,190.

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