

emperor of Rome
died 477

      usurping Eastern Roman emperor from 475 to 476. He was the brother of Verina, wife of the Eastern emperor Leo I (ruled 457474).

      In 468 Basiliscus was given supreme command of a vast Eastern Roman force that sought to expel the Vandals from Africa. When his incompetent leadership led to total defeat at the hands of the Vandal king Gaiseric off Mercurius (modern Cap Bon, Tunisia), Verina procured the Emperor's pardon for her brother. In January 475 Basiliscus executed a coup d'etat, which drove the new Eastern emperor, Zeno, from Constantinople. For the next 20 months Basiliscus held the power in the East. As emperor he stirred up discontent because he favoured the monophysite heresy, which held that the human and divine elements in Christ's nature were inseparable. During his reign a disastrous fire in Constantinople destroyed much of the city along with many Greek works of art. When Zeno returned to the capital in August 476, Basiliscus was exiled to Cappadocia and there beheaded.

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