Bart, Jean

Bart, Jean

French military officer
Bart also spelled  Barth  
born Oct. 21, 1650, Dunkirk, Fr.
died April 27, 1702, Dunkirk
 French privateer and naval officer, renowned for his skillful and daring achievements in the wars of Louis XIV.

      Descended from a family of fishermen and privateers, Bart entered naval service first under the Dutch admiral Michiel de Ruyter, but when war broke out between the French and the Dutch (167278) he returned to Dunkirk, where his knowledge of every detail of the coast enabled him to command a French fleet of small privateering vessels with great success. He took 81 prizes in six battles and was rewarded by Louis XIV with the rank of lieutenant. In the War of the Grand Alliance (Grand Alliance, War of the) (168997) he was taken prisoner by the English but escaped from Plymouth and rowed for 52 hours to the French coast. Promoted to captain, he commanded the Alcyon at the Battle of Beachy Head (1690) and afterward a division of ships at Dunkirk.

      Bart defended Dunkirk during the English attacks of 169495. In June 1696, when France was facing famine, he engaged a Dutch squadron off the coast of the Netherlands and captured a convoy of 96 ships loaded with Russian and Polish wheat. For this exploit, the king made him a member of the nobility.

      Given command of a squadron, Bart escorted the Prince de Conti (François-Louis de Bourbon), candidate for the Polish crown, to Danzig in 1697, slipping six frigates through a tight enemy blockade. By the end of the war his division had destroyed 30 warships and captured more than 200 merchant ships.

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