Barents, Willem

Barents, Willem

Dutch navigator
born c. 1550
died June 20, 1597, the Arctic

      Dutch navigator who searched for a northeast passage from Europe to Asia and for whom the Barents Sea was named. Because of his extensive voyages, accurate charting, and the valuable meteorological data he collected, he is regarded as one of the most important early Arctic explorers.

      In 1594 he left Amsterdam with two ships and reached the west coast of Novaya Zemlya, which he followed northward until forced to turn back near its northern extremity. In the following year he commanded another expedition, of seven ships, which made for the strait between the Asian coast and Vaygach Island but was too late to find open water. On a third voyage (1596), he sighted Spitsbergen (now Svalbard), but upon rounding the north of Novaya Zemlya his ship became trapped in ice, and Barents was compelled to winter in the north. He lived only a week after he and his party were able to leave in open boats. The Arctic dwelling in which the party had wintered was found in 1871; many of its relics are preserved at The Hague, Neth. In 1875 a portion of his journal was found.

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