Bárdossy, László

Bárdossy, László

prime minister of Hungary
born Dec. 10, 1890, Szombathely, Hung.
died Jan. 10, 1946, Budapest

      Hungarian politician who played a key role in bringing his country into World War II as an ally of Germany.

      After completing his legal studies in 1913, Bárdossy entered the Hungarian civil service. In 1924 he became director of the press department of the Foreign Ministry; in 1930 he was appointed secretary at the embassy in London; and in 1934 he was made ambassador to Romania. Hungary's head of state, Admiral Miklós Horthy (Horthy, Miklós), made him foreign minister early in 1941. In December 1940 Hungary had concluded a treaty ofeternal friendshipwith Yugoslavia. Adolf Hitler's demand for Hungarian help in an invasion of Yugoslavia and the support he enjoyed in Hungarian political circles drove the prime minister, Pál, Gróf (count) Teleki (Teleki, Pál, Gróf), to suicide in April 1941. His successor was Bárdossy.

      In the hope of regaining the Délvidék (a former Hungarian territory that had become part of Yugoslavia after the Treaty of Trianon (Trianon, Treaty of) [1920]), Bárdossy allowed German troops to cross Hungary. After Croatia seceded from Yugoslavia, Bárdossy, with Horthy's agreement, formed an alliance with Germany and joined its attack on Yugoslavia. On June 22 Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Four days later aircraft with Soviet insignia bombed the town of Kassa (Košice), reannexed from Slovakia by Hungary after the first Vienna Deliberation (1939). The Soviet government denied any involvement, and the circumstances of this incident remain unclear; however, using it as a pretext, on June 27 Bárdossy declared war on the Soviet Union. On December 11 Hungary also declared war on the United States. At the beginning of 1942 Bárdossy gave orders for the Second Hungarian Army to be sent to the Russian front. Bárdossy also promulgated the notorious Third Jewish Law, which banned marriages between Christians and Jews.

      Bárdossy's view that the Axis powers would win the war was not shared by Horthy, who dismissed him in March 1942. Bárdossy then continued his pro-German politics as president of the United Commercial League. On Nov. 13, 1945, a People's Court in Budapest convicted him of war crimes, for which he was executed.

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