Baratieri, Oreste

Baratieri, Oreste

Italian governor of Eritrea
born Nov. 13, 1841, Condino, Lombardy, Austrian Empire [now in Italy]
died Aug. 7, 1901, Sterzing, Tyrol, Austria-Hungary [now Vipiteno, Italy]

      general and colonial governor who was responsible for both the development of the Italian colony of Eritrea and the loss of Italian influence over Ethiopia.

      Baratieri had been a volunteer for Giuseppe Garibaldi, the popular hero of Italian unification, serving under him in the Sicilian and south Italian campaigns of 1860. He commanded a regiment in Eritrea in 188791 and was named commander in chief of Italian troops in Africa in 1891. Although he came in conflict with the civilian authorities in Eritrea for his encouragement of private investment in the colony, his views prevailed when he was named governor in 1893.

      After opening Eritrea to private capital and extensive land settlement, Baratieri attempted, in 1895, to extend its borders into Ethiopia but was gravely defeated by the forces of the Ethiopian emperor, Menilek II, in the Battle of Adwa in 1896. This defeat led to the Italian recognition of full Ethiopian sovereignty and independence. Baratieri's court-martial for his rout at Adwa resulted in his acquittal. He was a deputy of the Italian legislature (187695) and author of Memorie d'Africa (1897; “Memoirs of Africa”).

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