Bakócz, Tamás

Bakócz, Tamás

Hungarian archbishop
Hungarian form  Bakócz Tamás , Bakócz also spelled  Bakaas,  Bakocs,  Bakác , or  Bakáts 
born 1442, Erdod, Hung.
died June 15, 1521, Esztergom

      archbishop who led a Crusade against the Ottoman Turks in 1514.

      Bakócz was born into a serf family, but he benefited from the fact that his older brother Bálint was provost of Titel. Bakócz was able to study in Krakow and at various Italian universities. Matthias I took notice of Bakócz during the 1474 encampment in Boroszló (now Wrocław, Pol.), and in 1483 Bakócz served as Matthias's secretary and closest adviser.

      Mindful of the potential personal advantage, Bakócz sought to influence the selection of Matthias's successor and ardently supported the Jagiellonian claimant, Vladislas II. In the first years of Vladislas II's rule, Bakócz was often referred to as thesecond king.” In 1491 Bakócz became bishop of Eger and high chancellor, and in 1498 he was named archbishop of Esztergom. Despite accusations by lesser nobles against him of corruption and forgery of documents, Bakócz was made a cardinal in 1500 and patriarch of Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1507. In 1512 he went to Rome, where, during the interregnum following the death of Pope Julius II, he became a member of the governing council and where he was also a candidate for the papacy.

      Giovanni de' Medici, who became Pope Leo X in 1513, entrusted Bakócz with leadership of a Crusade against the Turks in 1514. The subsequent organization of the army and assembling of the peasantry laid the ground for the later uprising of the Hungarian peasantry.

      Bakócz was a great patron of the arts. After the death of Vladislas II in 1516, Bakócz returned to Esztergom, from where he commissioned the construction of a new chancel in Eger cathedral, one of Hungary's finest Renaissance monuments. He had his own shrine, the Bakócz chapel, built in the Esztergom cathedral. In 1823, following the demolition of the cathedral, the altar of the Bakócz chapel was transported stone by stone to the new cathedral, which was consecrated in 1856. Of Bakócz's treasures, his pontifical chain, cross, cup, and gradual, together with one of his mass robes, have survived.

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Universalium. 2010.

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