

Turkish author
also spelled  Bāqī , in full  Mahmud Abdülbâkî 
born 1526, Constantinople [now Istanbul]
died April 7, 1600, Constantinople

      one of the greatest lyric poets of the classical period of Ottoman Turkish literature.

      The son of a muezzin, he lived in Constantinople. After an apprenticeship as a saddler, he entered a religious college, where he studied Islāmic law. He also came into contact with many famous men of letters and began to write poetry. In 1555 Bâkî submitted a qasida (ode) to the Ottoman sultan, Süleyman I, thereby gaining an entrée into court circles. At Süleyman's death he wrote his masterpiece, an elegy on the sultan that combines grandeur of style with sincere feeling. Later Bâkî resumed his religious career, aspiring unsuccessfully to the position of shaykh al-Islām, the highest religious office in the empire. He wrote several religious treatises, but his Divan (“Collected Poems”) is considered his most important work. He is especially known for his ghazels (lyrics), in which he laments the ephemeral nature of youth, happiness, and prosperity and urges the reader to enjoy the pleasures of love and wine while he can. His mastery of form expresses itself in perfect versification, a meticulous choice of words, and a skillful use of onomatopoeic effect by which he achieves great musicality. A witty man of the world in his private life, Bâkî rejuvenated Ottoman lyric poetry, breaking with the strict laws of classical prosody and instilling a freshness and vitality of both form and imagery that won for him the coveted title of sulṭān ash-shuʿārāʾ (“king of poets”) in his own lifetime.

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