Bachmann, Ingeborg

Bachmann, Ingeborg

Austrian author
born June 25, 1926, Klagenfurt, Austria
died Oct. 17, 1973, Rome, Italy

      Austrian author whose sombre, surreal writings often deal with women in failed love relationships, the nature of art and humanity, and the inadequacy of language.

      Bachmann grew up in Kärnten during World War II and was educated at the Universities of Graz, Innsbruck, and Vienna. She received a doctoral degree in philosophy from Vienna in 1950. Bachmann's literary career began in earnest in 1952, when she read her poetry to members of the avant-garde Gruppe 47. She produced two volumes of verse, Die gestundete Zeit (1953; “Borrowed Time”), about the sense of urgency produced by the passage of time, and Anrufung des grossen Bären (1956; “Invocation of the Great Bear”), featuring poems of fantasy and mythology. Of her several radio plays, the best known is Der gute Gott von Manhattan (1958; “The Good God of Manhattanin Three Radio Plays). First broadcast on May 29, 1958, it is about a couple attacked by a covert group that seeks to destroy all traces of love.

      Following Bachmann's five landmark lectures on literature at the University of Frankfurt in 195960, she shifted her focus from poetry to fiction. During this period she also wrote the libretti for Hans Werner Henze's operas Der Prinz von Homberg (1960; from a play by Heinrich von Kleist) and Der junge Lord (1965; from a fable by Wilhelm Hauff). Among her prose writings are Das dreissigtse Jahr (1961; The Thirtieth Year) and the lyrical novel Malina (1971; Eng. trans. Malina). She also published essays, stories, and more radio plays. Her death by fire may have been a suicide.

      Much attention was given to Bachmann's work both in her lifetime and after her death, and several of her writings were translated into English. A volume of selected poems, In the Storm of Roses, was published in 1986; it was the inspiration for Elizabeth Vercoe's composition In the Storm: Four Songs on Texts by Ingeborg Bachmann for medium voice, clarinet, and piano. Some of Bachmann's stories were translated in Three Paths to the Lake (1989), and a bilingual edition of her collected poems, translated and introduced by Peter Filkins, was published as Songs in Flight (1995). Fragments of two novels intended to complete the trilogy begun with Malina were translated and published together in a single volume entitled The Book of Franza & Requiem for Fanny Goldmann (1999).

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