

also spelled  Bachan , or  Batjan 

      island, North Maluku propinsi (province), Indonesia. One of the northern Moluccas, in the Molucca Sea, it lies just southwest of the large island of Halmahera. The islands of Kasiruta to the northwest, Mandioli to the west, and about 80 other islets compose the Bacan Island group. With an area of about 700 square miles (1,800 square km), Bacan is mountainous in the south, rising to 6,926 feet (2,111 metres), relatively level and lower in the centre, and volcanic in the north, with some sulfurous springs. Products include spices, copra, timber, and mother-of-pearl, with tobacco and rice raised for local consumption. Labuha, the principal city and port, has the only airport.

      Bacan has fine trees, a great variety of soils, and a number of small navigable streams. Its rich animal life includes crested Celebes black apes, eastern opossums, pigmy flying phalangers, great Indian civets, birds-of-paradise, and several types of bats. Other birds are red lories, little lorikeets, green parrots with red bills and heads, golden-capped sunbirds, racquet-tailed kingfishers, rare goatsuckers, and large and handsome fruit pigeons with metallic-green and rust plumage.

      The Bacanese are believed to have come originally from Halmahera. Other inhabitants include the Serani (Christian with some Portuguese ancestry), Makassarese, and Malays. A small fort was built by the Portuguese and captured (1609) and renamed Barneveld by the Dutch, who put the island's sultan under the suzerainty of the sultan of Ternate. The Bacan sultanate continued to exist until the end of the 19th century. The Japanese occupied Bacan during World War II.

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Universalium. 2010.

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