

      town and port, Manche département, Basse-Normandie région, northwestern France, on a hill overlooking the Sée estuary. The celebrated sanctuary of Mont-Saint-Michel is situated on a rock in the bay. Important under the Romans, Avranches retained its position under the Norman dukes.

      In 1172 the excommunicated Henry II of England received absolution in Avranches for the murder of Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, and made public penance before the cathedral (razed as unsafe in 1794). The paving stone on which he knelt is marked by chains on a little square locally called La Plate-forme. In 1639 Avranches was the centre of the peasants' Nu-Pieds (“Barefoot”) revolt against the salt tax. The Bibliothèque du Fonds Ancien contains illuminated manuscripts, incunabula, and 8th- and 15th-century manuscripts from the abbey on Mont-Saint-Michel.

      In July 1944 the U.S. 3rd Army under General George S. Patton broke out of the Normandypocketthere, leaving much of the town in ruins. A monument to Patton stands on soil and amid trees brought from America. Avranches is a small market town and an administrative and tourist centre located in a region where cattle rearing and dairying predominate. Industry is limited to small factories, many specializing in the processing of local agricultural produce. Pop. (1999) 8,500; (2008 prelim.) 8,239.

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