

 town, capital of Yonne département, Bourgogne ( Burgundy) région, central France, on the Yonne River. The town, which flourished in pre-Roman and Roman days, became the seat of a bishop and a civitas (provincial capital) in the 3rd century. It was united to France by Louis XI in the 1400s. Auxerre's most notable landmark, the Cathedral of Saint-Étienne (13th16th-century Gothic), has three sculptured doorways and a rose window on the west front. A massive tower rises in the northwest corner. The early Gothic choir and the apsidal chapel contain some of the best 13th-century stained glass in France. The Church of Saint-Eusèbe (founded 7th century) shows styles from the 12th to the 16th century. Below the Church of Saint-Germain, crypts of the 9th century contain tombs of the bishops of Auxerre.

      The town is a commercial, industrial, and administrative centre. Its varied industries include the manufacture of machinery, electronic equipment, pharmaceuticals, and packaging as well as food and drink products, including wine, liqueurs, foie gras, and truffles. Auxerre is also a centre of services for the wine-producing regions of the Yonne valley and Chablis. Pop. (1999) 37,790; (2005 est.) 37,100.

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Universalium. 2010.

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