Auckland Islands

Auckland Islands

islands, New Zealand
      outlying island group of New Zealand, in the South Pacific Ocean, 290 miles (467 km) south of South Island. Volcanic in origin, they comprise six islands and several islets, with a total land area of 234 square miles (606 square km), and have a cool, humid, and windy climate. The islands' soils are generally poor, and shrub forests cover lower elevations. Animal life includes birds, wild cattle, fur seals, sea lions, and sea elephants. Auckland Island, the largest (179 square miles [463 square km]), rises to about 2,000 feet (600 m) and has a steep east coast that is indented by Carnley Harbour and Port Ross.

      The islands were discovered in 1806 by Abraham Bristow, who named them after William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland. A whaling station was established in the islands but was abandoned in 1852. Cattle and sheep were introduced in the 1890s, but the venture met with only limited success. There is a large bird population, particularly petrels and penguins. The islands are administered by the New Zealand commissioner for crown lands and are presently uninhabited.

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