

      town, Bouches-du-Rhône département, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur région, southeastern France. Aubagne lies about 10 miles (16 km) east of Marseille. It was the site of the Gallo-Roman Pagus Lucreti and derived its name from its health springs (Ad Bainea). Aubagne sits amidst an agricultural region that is centred around market gardening and fruit and vegetable production. It has a brick and pottery industry dating from the 18th century and specializes in Provençal santons (folkloric and religious figurines). The town functions as a residential suburb of Marseille but has some light industry. Aubagne has a museum of the French Foreign Legion. Pop. (1999) 42,638; (2005 est.) 43,500.

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  • Aubagne — 43° 17′ 27″ N 5° 34′ 15″ E / 43.2908333333, 5.57083333333 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Aubagne — French commune name = Aubagne x = 197 y = 217 time zone = CET (GMT +1) region = Provence Alpes Côte d Azur departement = Bouches du Rhône (13) arrondissement=Marseille canton=Chief of two cantons: Aubagne Est Aubagne Ouest insee=13005 cp=13400… …   Wikipedia

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