Ashʿarī, Abū al-Ḥasan al-

Ashʿarī, Abū al-Ḥasan al-

Muslim theologian
born 873/874, Basra, Iraq
died c. 935, /936, Baghdad

      Muslim Arab theologian noted for having integrated the rationalist methodology of the speculative theologians into the framework of orthodox Islām. In his Maqālāt al-Islāmīyīn (“Theological Opinions of the Muslims”), compiled during his early period, al-Ashʿari brought together the varied opinions of scholars on Muslim theological questions. From about 912, he pursued a more orthodox study of theology through the Qurʾān (Islāmic sacred scripture) and the sunnah (the body of Islāmic custom and practice based on Muḥammad's words and deeds). He founded a theological school that later claimed as members such celebrated authors as al-Ghazālī and Ibn Khaldūn.

      Al-Ashʿarī was born in the city of Basra, at that time one of the centres of intellectual ferment in Iraq, which, in turn, was the centre of the Muslim world. It is generally agreed that he belonged to the family of the celebrated Companion of the Prophet Abū Mūsā al-Ashʿarī (d. 662/663), though some theologians opposed to his ideas contest the claim. Since this would have made him by birth a member of the Arab-Muslim aristocracy of the period, he must have received a careful education. A contemporary recorded that the wealth of al-Ashʿarī's family permitted him to devote himself entirely to research and study.

      His works, especially the first part of Maqālāt al-Islāmīyīn, and the accounts of later historians record that al-Ashʿarī very early joined the school of the great theologians of that time, the Muʿtazilites. He became the favourite disciple of Abū ʿAlī al-Jubbāʾī, head of the Muʿtazilites of Basra in the final decades of the 3rd century AH (late 9th and early 10th centuries AD), and remained a Muʿtazilite until his 40th year. During that period of his life, he undertook the composition of a work in which he gathered the opinions of the diverse schools on the principal points of Muslim theology. This work, the first volume of the current edition of the Maqālāt, is valuable for what it records of Muʿtazilite doctrines. It remains one of the most important sources for retracing the history of the beginnings of Muslim theology.

      At the age of 40, when he had become a specialist in theology and was well known for his oral controversies and his written works, al-Ashʿarī quit his master al-Jubbāʾī, abandoned Muʿtazilite doctrine, and was converted to a more traditional, or orthodox, Islāmic theology. It had become apparent to him that, in his former disputations, the reality of God as well as that of man had become so sterilized and desiccated that it had become little more than matter for rational manipulation.

      Al-Ashʿarī, conscious of the desiccation of Muʿtazilite theology, did not hesitate to proclaim his new faith publicly, and the former Muʿtazilite started combating his colleagues of yesterday. He even attacked his old master, al-Jubbāʾī, refuting his arguments in speech and writing. It was then, perhaps, that he took up again his first work, the Maqālāt, to add to the objective exposition rectifications more conformable to his new beliefs. In this same period, he composed the work that marks clearly his break with the Muʿtazilite school: the Kitāb al-Lumaʿ (“The Luminous Book”).

      It was not until his former master died at Basra in 915 that al-Ashʿarī decided to make Baghdad his centre. Arriving in the capital, he soon became aware of the importance assumed by a group of faithful of the sunnah, the disciples of Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal. Soon after, al-Ashʿarī composed, or perhaps put the last touches to, one of his most famous treatises, the Ibānah ʿan uṣūl ad-diyānah (“Statement on the Principles of the Religion”), which contains some passages venerating the memory of Ibn Ḥanbal.

      In the years that followed, al-Ashʿarī, now installed in Baghdad, began to group around himself his first disciples. Focusing his theological reflection on certain positions of the mystic al-Muḥāsibī and of two theologians, Ibn Kullāb and Qalanisī, al-Ashʿarī laid the bases for a new school of theology distinct from both the Muʿtazilites and the Ḥanbalites. His three best-known disciples were al-Bāhilī, aṣ-Ṣuʿlūkī, and Ibn Mujāhid, all of whom transmitted the doctrines of their master to what later became the flourishing school of Khorāsān. After al-Ashʿarī died, his disciples slowly disentangled the main lines of doctrine that eventually became the stamp of the Ashʿarite school.

The Rev. Michel Adrien Allard, S.J. Ed.

Additional Reading
An indispensable work for those who wish to read al-Ashʿarī is Richard J. McCarthy (ed.), The Theology of al-Ashʿari (1953), containing the texts of two of his theological treatises with their English translation. W. Montgomery Watt, Islamic Philosophy and Theology, 2nd ed. (1985), places al-Ashʿarī in the chronological development of Muslim thought.

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