Armin, Robert

Armin, Robert

English actor
born c. 1568
died November 1615, London, Eng.

      English actor and playwright best known as a leading comic actor in the plays of William Shakespeare. He performed with the Chamberlain's Men (Lord Chamberlain's Men) from approximately 1598 to 1610 and originated some of the most famous comic roles in Elizabethan theatre.

      Armin was an apprentice to a goldsmith in the 1580s. It was during this time that he befriended Richard Tarlton (Tarlton, Richard), one of the most famous clowns of the time. Tarlton recognized Armin's comic genius and made him his protégé. Armin's early acting experience included a stint with Lord Chandos's Men as well as solo performances. His books about these experiences were Foole upon Foole; or, Six Sortes of Sottes, about six household fools, and Quips upon Questions, a collection from his masterly performances where he extemporized verse responses to audience questions; both were published in 1600 under the pseudonym Clonnico de Curtanio Snuffe. Armin wrote the play The History of the Two Maids of More-clacke (1609), and a book of ballads entitled The Italian Taylor and His Boy (1609).

      Armin succeeded the famous William Kempe (Kempe, John) as the primary clown performer with the Chamberlain's Men. Among his earliest roles with the company were Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing (a role he inherited from Kempe) and Touchstone in As You Like It. The latter role may have been written expressly for Armin. His unique verbal skills allowed him to transcend the country rustics that had been the specialty of Tarlton and Kempe. With Armin in mind, Shakespeare created fools that were sharp-tongued and often wiser than the more noble characters. In addition to Touchstone, Armin originated many witty fools, including Feste in Twelfth Night and the Fool in King Lear. It is believed that he also performed as Abel Drugger in Ben Jonson's The Alchemist and as Robin in Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus. He was listed as one of the principal players in the First Folio.

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