

      estado (state), northern Venezuela. It is bounded north by the Caribbean Sea, east by the Distrito Federal and Miranda state, south by Guárico state, and west by Carabobo state. Aragua consists largely of two Andean ranges separated by an intermontane basin, in which lies Lake Valencia. Henri Pittier National Park (413 square miles), with its exceptionally rich and varied flora, occupies the entire northern portion of Aragua. The park stretches from the Caribbean seacoast south across the northeasternmost of the two Andean ranges. The state's climate is tropical, and, though there is considerable rain inland, the coast is dry. The Aragua River valley produces a variety of agricultural products. Although sugarcane has ranked first for many years, potatoes have also attained high commercial value. Other important crops include cacao, coffee, cotton, corn (maize), rice, and tobacco. Aragua still ranks high in cattle, but herds have diminished as rangelands are converted to farmlands. The state's industrial development has been notable, particularly in and around the state capital, Maracay. The state has a good system of hard-surface roads. Area 2,708 square miles (7,014 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 1,665,247.

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Universalium. 2010.

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