Āqā Mīrak

Āqā Mīrak

Persian painter
also spelled  Āghā Mīrak,  in full  Sayyid Āqā Jalāl Ad-dīn Mīrak Al-ḥasanī 
flourished 16th century

      Persian painter, an admired portraitist and an excellent colourist, who painted in a sumptuous style.

      A descendant of the Prophet Muḥammad and a native of Eṣfahān, he worked mostly in Tabrīz, the capital of the Ṣafavid empire. He knew the Persian painter Behzād, who was director of the royal library and its manager of manuscript illustration. Āqā Mīrak, as one of the senior court artists, was a colleague of the highly regarded painter Sulṭān Muḥammad. He also was the teacher of Shāh Qūlī, a Persian painter later active at the court of the Ottoman sultan Süleyman the Magnificent.

      A bon vivant and poet, Āqā Mīrak became a boon companion of the Ṣafavid Shāh Ṭahmāsp I, who was a committed patron of the arts.

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Universalium. 2010.

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