

also spelled  Agni 

      African people who inhabit the tropical forest of eastern Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana and speak a language of the Kwa (Kwa languages) branch of the Niger-Congo language family. About the middle of the 18th century most of the Anyi were expelled from Ghana by the Asante and migrated westward.

      The Anyi, who live in neighbourhoods of dispersed homesteads, are shifting cultivators, producing food crops (yams, manioc, and plantains) as well as the cash crops (coffee and cacao) from which they derive most of their income.

      The traditional organization consisted of small states, with a social hierarchy comprising four strata: a prince and others of royal blood, village chieftains, freemen, and (formerly) slaves and their descendants. Today the village chief is chosen from the family that holds the hereditary ceremonial stool; he is elected by that family and the village notables.

      The traditional systems of inheritance and succession are based on matrilineal descent, though a married couple resides in the vicinity of the husband's family. This system produces considerable tension, increased by the development of cash-crop plantations, because, although a young man usually works with his father, he generally will not inherit the plantation on which he works.

      Although the Anyi have come to accept much of European material culture, the traditional elements of their social structure remain effective as a basis for everyday political organization.

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Universalium. 2010.

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