

Persian poet
pseudonym of  Awḥad ad-Dīn ʿAlī ibn Vāḥid ad-Dīn Muḥammad Khāvarānī,  also called  Awḥad ad-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad,  or  Awḥad ad-Dīn ʿAlī ibn Maḥmūd 
born c. 1126, Abivard, Turkistan [now in Turkmenistan]
died c. 1189, Balkh, Khorāsān [now in Afghanistan]

      poet considered one of the greatest panegyrists of Persian literature. He wrote with great technical skill, erudition, and a strong satirical wit.

      Anvarī was not only well versed in Persian and Arabic literature but was skilled in such other fields as geometry, astronomy, and astrology. His work is replete with extremely erudite and obscure allusions, making his poems difficult to understand without some accompanying commentary.

      Anvarī was a prolific writer who especially excelled in the art of the qasida (ode) and ghazel (lyric). His odes display great formal virtuosity, while his comparatively simple lyrics are noted for their tenderness and charm. In his divan, or collected poems, there are 632 pages of qasidas and ghazels, robāʿīs (quatrains), qiṭʿahs (shorter poems), and manawīs (couplets). Of his life relatively little is known. Rather early in his career he certainly served as court poet of Sultan Sanjar of the great Seljuq dynasty (11th to 13th century). Later he composed biting and satirical works sharply criticizing all aspects of the social order. His longest poem is a lament on the devastation wrought in Khorāsān (largely in northeastern Persia [now Iran]) in 1153 by invading Oğuz tribesmen.

      Anvarī did not think poetry the loftiest skill and scorned the life of a court poet. But he noted resentfully and sarcastically that patronage was the only means to acquire adequate wealth. Thus he remained a court poet until later in life, when circumstances forced him to follow the more independent and probably much-preferred course of the scholar, and he ended his life in quiet seclusion. Dīvan-ī Anvarī (“The Collected Poems of Anvarī”), edited by Saʿid Nafīsī, was published in 1959.

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