

      type of magnetism (ferromagnetism) in solids such as manganese oxide (MnO) in which adjacent ions that behave as tiny magnets (in this case manganese ions, Mn2+) spontaneously align themselves at relatively low temperatures into opposite, or antiparallel, arrangements throughout the material so that it exhibits almost no gross external magnetism. In antiferromagnetic materials, which include certain metals and alloys in addition to some ionic solids, the magnetism from magnetic atoms or ions oriented in one direction is canceled out by the set of magnetic atoms or ions that are aligned in the reverse direction.

      This spontaneous antiparallel coupling of atomic magnets is disrupted by heating and disappears entirely above a certain temperature, called the Néel temperature, characteristic of each antiferromagnetic material. (The Néel temperature is named for Louis Néel (Néel, Louis-Eugène-Félix), French physicist, who in 1936 gave one of the first explanations of antiferromagnetism.) Some antiferromagnetic materials have Néel temperatures at, or even several hundred degrees above, room temperature, but usually these temperatures are lower. The Néel temperature for manganese oxide, for example, is 122 K (−151° C, or −240° F).

      Antiferromagnetic solids exhibit special behaviour in an applied magnetic field depending upon the temperature. At very low temperatures, the solid exhibits no response to the external field, because the antiparallel ordering of atomic magnets is rigidly maintained. At higher temperatures, some atoms break free of the orderly arrangement and align with the external field. This alignment and the weak magnetism it produces in the solid reach their peak at the Néel temperature. Above this temperature, thermal agitation progressively prevents alignment of the atoms with the magnetic field, so that the weak magnetism produced in the solid by the alignment of its atoms continuously decreases as temperature is increased.

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Universalium. 2010.

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