Anielewicz, Mordecai

Anielewicz, Mordecai

Polish hero
also spelled  Mordechai Anilowitz 
born 1919, Wyszków, Poland
died May 8, 1943, Warsaw

      hero and principal leader of armed Jewish resistance in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II.

      Anielewicz was born into a working-class family and attended a Hebrew academic secondary school. As a boy he joined Betar, a Zionist youth organization that among other things advocated self-defense for Jews. By 1940 he had gone to Warsaw and become active in a pro-Soviet group of young Zionists, Hashomer Hatzair. When Germany invaded Poland, he escaped to Vilna (now Vilnius), which the Soviet Union had annexed with Lithuania. He eventually made his way back to the Warsaw ghetto, where he set up an underground newspaper, Neged Hazerem (“Against the Stream”), and organized cultural and educational activities. He was out of Warsaw (Warsaw Ghetto Uprising), spreading his educational and political ideas covertly in western Poland, when the SS (the Nazi paramilitary corps) decimated the population of the Warsaw ghetto by deportation and execution in late summer 1942. Over two months about 265,000 Jews were deported without open armed resistance to the newly established extermination camp of Treblinka, some 50 miles (80 km) away.

      Convinced that Jews in Adolf Hitler's Europe should protect themselves, Anielewicz rushed back to Warsaw to urge the ghetto's elders to adopt armed resistance. Most of the elders had initially cautioned against resistance because they feared massive German retaliation, and many continued to argue that confrontation would provoke the final liquidation of the ghetto and the deportation of the remaining population. With strong support from other young activists, notably Yitzhak Zuckerman (Zuckerman, Yitzhak), Anielewicz's view prevailed, and the Jewish Fighting Organization (Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa; ŻOB) was founded. Anielewicz was the obvious choice to command the ŻOB. He stressed discipline, the construction of bunkers, and the acquisition of arms.

      On January 18, 1943, the Germans entered the ghetto to select Jews for a new shipment to the death camp at Treblinka, and the ŻOB met them with force, mainly pistols and grenades, starting an uprising (Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) and street battle that lasted four days and killed about 50 Germansand all of the ŻOB defenders except Anielewicz himself. The Germans withdrew. The Jews interpreted the halt in the deportation as a victoryGermany backing down from armed confrontation. For two months the Germans tried various deceptions to persuade the ghetto's remaining Jews to go peacefully to the boxcars that would take them to Treblinka. Anielewicz had effectively become the commander of the ghetto as well as the ŻOB, and he accelerated defensive preparations until the Germans returned with 2,000 troops and tanks on April 19. The ŻOB held them off at first, then gave ground slowly. On May 8 the Germans found the ŻOB headquarters bunker and gassed it. Civilian occupants surrendered, but Anielewicz and about 100 comrades died. Those not killed in the fighting took their own or one another's lives to avoid capture. Despite the loss of its leadership, the remnants of the ŻOB continued to fight the Germans until May 16.

      In his final letter to Zuckerman, Anielewicz wrote:

Peace be with you, my dear friend. Who knows whether we shall meet again? My life's dream has now been realized: Jewish self-defense in the ghetto is now an accomplished fact.…I have been witness to the magnificent, heroic struggle of the Jewish fighters.

      Anielewicz is commemorated in Israel by a kibbutz, Yad Mordecai.

Michael Berenbaum

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