Anhava, Tuomas

Anhava, Tuomas

Finnish poet and translator
born June 5, 1927, Helsinki, Fin.
died January 2001, Helsinki

      Finnish poet and translator working within the modernist tradition of Ezra Pound (Pound, Ezra) and T.S. Eliot (Eliot, T.S.).

      Anhava was a perfectionist in his poetry, with a fanatical concern for le mot propre and a great theoretical interest in the aesthetics of modern poetry. His Runoja (1953; “Poems”) has as its central theme alienation and a search for a transcendence of everyday reality. These motifs are developed in the technically difficult poems of 36 runoja (1958; “36 Poems”). The images in these poems are strongly reminiscent of the Japanese and Chinese poetry Anhava translated during the same period. The simplification and compression of Oriental epigrams is employed in Runoja 1961 and Kuudes kirja (1966; “The Sixth Book”). Later works include Runot 19511966 (1967) and Valitut runot (1976).

      Even though Anhava never achieved great popularity, he had a great influence on many young Finnish poets through his uncompromising search for aesthetic perfection.

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Universalium. 2010.

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