

      one of the British Virgin Islands and the northernmost of the Lesser Antilles, a chain separating the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, lying about 80 miles (130 km) east-northeast of Puerto Rico. The island has an area of 15 square miles (39 square km). Annual rainfall averages a moderate 50 inches (1,275 mm). Unlike the other Virgin Islands, Anegada (Spanish:Drowned Island”) is fairly flat, made of coral and limestone with very little subsoil and no water. The main town is The Settlement, located on the southern coast. There are dangerous reefs, and Anegada's waters contain many still-unexplored shipwrecks. The island's diverse wildlife includes the endangered Anegada rock iguana. A bird sanctuary is home to herons, terns, ospreys, and flamingos, the latter of which were reintroduced to the island in the early 1990s. Tourism is a significant part of the economy, although fishing remains important. Pop. (2000 est.) 204.

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Universalium. 2010.

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