Amrouche, Jean

Amrouche, Jean

Algerian poet
born , Feb. 7, 1906, Ighil Ali, Alg.
died April 16, 1962, Paris

      foremost poet of the earliest generation of French-speaking North African writers.

      Amrouche was born into one of the few Roman Catholic families in the Litte Kabylie mountains but immigrated with his family to Tunisia when still quite young. He completed his studies in Tunis and Paris.

      As a young man, Amrouche published Cendres (1934; “Cinders”) and Étoile secrète (1937; “Secret Star”), the most significant volumes of Algerian poetry ever written in French. Taking inspiration from his Berber roots as well as from modern European post-Symbolism, Amrouche testifies to the purity of his origins, evoking the quest for a lost homeland and the sense of ancestral nobility. A lyricist of the first order, he clothed his verse, written in the borrowed language of the colonial rulers, in an eloquent and fluid beauty. Later works included a translation into French of Berber lyrics and an essay, “L'Éternel Jugurtha” (1946), that stands as the definitive statement on the Maghribian identity torn by the complexes of acculturation and alienation. Amrouche taught and produced a radio show in which he interviewed writers. In his later years he broadcast appeals for the Algerian cause to the French people.

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