Amr ibn Kulthūmʿ

Amr ibn Kulthūmʿ

Arab poet
flourished 6th century

      pre-Islamic Arab poet whose qaṣīdah (“ode”) is one of the seven that comprise the celebrated anthology of pre-Islamic verse Al-Muʿallaqāt (Muʿallaqāt, Al-).

      Little is known of his life; he became chief of the tribe of Taghlib in Mesopotamia at an early age and, according to tradition, killed ʿAmr ibn Hind, the Arab king of Al-Ḥīrah, c. 568.

      ʿAmr ibn Kulthūm lived to a very advanced age, highly respected for his noble character, for a poem, allegedly his, praising a Taghlib victory over the Bakr tribe, and for his successfully independent stance against the Lakhmid kings of Al-Ḥīrah. In the early Umayyad period, ʿAmr ibn Kulthūm became something of a legend, although the stories of his exploitsincluding that of his death from drinking winewere inventions based on verses from the Muʿallaqāt.

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Universalium. 2010.

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