Āmir, ʿAbd al-Ḥakīmʿ

Āmir, ʿAbd al-Ḥakīmʿ

Egyptian military official and vice president
born December 11, 1919, Egypt
died September 14, 1967, Cairo

      military official who helped establish Egypt as a republic in 1952 and, as leader of the army, was one of the most powerful figures in Egypt until his death. As army chief of staff he led Egyptian forces to defeat in the Six-Day War (Arab-Israeli wars) of June 1967.

      ʿĀmir attended War College, where he met Gamal Abdel Nasser (Nasser, Gamal Abdel). The two men served during the first Arab-Israeli war (194849) and were involved in the formation of the Free Officers, a secret organization that overthrew King Fārūq I (Farouk I) in 1952. A republic was established, and by 1954 Nasser had assumed control, becoming prime minister. Aided by his friendship with Nasser, ʿĀmir was named commander in chief of the Egyptian army in 1952. In 1956 Israel, Britain, and France invaded Egypt after Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. Although ʿĀmir was criticized for his performance during the fighting, the Suez Crisis, as it came to be known, was seen as a moral victory for Egypt, and ʿĀmir's influence grew. In 1958, when Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic, he was named field marshal and minister of defense. The following year he was appointed governor of Syria. Egypt's increasing domination of the union, however, led to unrest in Syria, and in 1961 ʿĀmir was expelled from the country; the union between Egypt and Syria collapsed later that year.

      After returning to Egypt, ʿĀmir was appointed second vice president of the United Arab Republic in 1961 (Egypt retained that name until 1971). A rift, however, began to develop between Nasser and ʿĀmir, and in 1962 Nasser attempted to wrest control of the army from him. The latter's influence within the military made Nasser drop his plans, however, and two years later ʿĀmir was elevated to first vice president and was also named deputy supreme commander of the military. In June 1967 the Six-Day War erupted between Egypt and Israel. Ill prepared, Egypt suffered a disastrous defeat, and ʿĀmir was relieved of his post as field marshal on June 9, 1967. On September 5 he was arrested and accused of heading a coup to overthrow the government. Already scheduled to appear before a court-martial investigating the causes of the June defeat, he allegedly took a fatal dose of poison just before he was to give his testimony.

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