Alī Beyʿ

Alī Beyʿ

▪ Mamlūk governor of Egypt

born 1728, Abkhasia, Caucasus [now Abkhaziya, Georgia]
died May 8, 1773, near Ṣāliḥiyya, Egypt

      Mamlūk governor of Egypt under Ottoman suzerainty who attempted to throw off the Ottoman Turkish rule.

      ʿAlī Bey was an enslaved Caucasian who was made a gift to Ibrāhīm Katkhudā, an emir who was the virtual ruler of Egypt. ʿAlī earned the confidence of his master, who later freed him and advanced him to the rank of bey (district governor). ʿAlī managed to strengthen his position by obtaining slaves and setting them in high positions. His power thus recognized, he was made shaykh al-balad (mayor of Cairo). He was involved in much political maneuvering and finally succeeded in becoming the virtually independent ruler of Egypt. He gained control of Mecca and then invaded and seized Syria. Betrayed by his army commander, he fled to Syria in 1772. He was defeated and captured in an attempt to recover Egypt, and he died of the wounds he suffered in battle.

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