Alfonso IV

Alfonso IV

king of Aragon
byname  Alfonso The Kind,  Spanish  Alfonso El Benigno 
born 1299
died Jan. 24, 1336, Barcelona

      king of Aragon from 1327 to 1336, son of James II. He was well-intentioned but weak. His reign was marked by a serious revolt in Sardinia, which led to war with Genoa, and by the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Moorish kingdoms of North Africa. The failure of the king to resist the efforts of his second wife to further the future of her sons at the expense of Alfonso's heir, Peter, led to serious political disturbances.

king of Leon and Asturias
byname  Alfonso the Monk,  Spanish  Alfonso El Monje 
died 933

      king of Leon and Asturias from c. 926 to c. 932, the son of Ordoño II and the successor of his uncle Fruela II. He became a monk, abdicated, and then thought better of it and tried to recover his throne. His short reign was, in consequence, one of political chaos, ending about 932.

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