

      South American Indian people, very few (about 10) in number, living on the eastern coast of Isla Wellington in southern Chile. Their culture closely resembles that of the extinct Chono (q.v.) to the north and the Yámana (q.v.) to the south.

      The Alacaluf environment is a wild and rugged mountainous region with hundreds of islands. Wind, rain, cold, and almost impenetrable rain forest limit subsistence patterns to food collecting, principally shellfish, sea mammals, and birds. Canoes are essential to the Alacaluf in their exploitation of the ocean resources. The Alacaluf do not establish permanent settlements but move along the beach in search of shellfish, living from day to day. The nuclear family of husband, wife, and unmarried children is the basic social, political, and economic unit; no larger organizational unit is known, although sometimes two or three families travel together. They build huts of skin or tree bark. Their aesthetic and religious ideas are not much developed, although they believe in spirits and practice simple forms of witchcraft.

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