Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius

Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius

Renaissance scholar

born Sept. 14, 1486, Cologne
died Feb. 18, 1535, Grenoble, Fr.
 court secretary to Charles V, physician to Louise of Savoy, exasperating theologian within the Catholic Church, military entrepreneur in Spain and Italy, acknowledged expert on occultism, and philosopher. His tempestuous career also included teaching at Dôle and Pavia universities, appointment as orator and public advocate at Metz (until denounced for defending an accused witch), banishment from Germany in 1535 (after battling with the inquisitor of Cologne), and imprisonment in France (for criticizing the Queen Mother).

      Agrippa's De occulta philosophia added impetus to Renaissance study of magic and injected his name into early Faust legends. In this book he explained the world in terms of cabalistic analyses of Hebrew letters and Pythagorean numerology and acclaimed magic as the best means to know God and nature. About 1530 Agrippa outraged Charles V by publishing a scathing attack on occultism and all other sciences (“Of the Vanitie and uncertaintie of artes and sciences,” trans. 1569) and thus served the Renaissance revival of Skepticism. Agrippa was jailed and branded as a heretic. After scuttling every type of scientific knowledge, he found peaceful refuge in a simple biblical piety.

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Universalium. 2010.

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