Agnes of Poitou

Agnes of Poitou

▪ empress consort
also called  Agnes of Aquitaine,  French  Agnès de Poitou, or Agnès d'Aquitaine 
born c. 1024
died Dec. 14, 1077, Rome [Italy]

      second wife of the Holy Roman emperor Henry III. She was regent (1056–62) during the minority of her son, the future Henry IV.

      Agnes was a daughter of William V the Great, duke of Aquitaine, and was a descendant of the kings of Burgundy and Italy. She married Henry III on Nov. 1, 1043, forming an alliance designed to cement the empire's relations with its neighbouring states to the west. On Henry's death she assumed the regency for her son until it was wrested from her by Archbishop Anno of Cologne in 1062. Agnes then retired to a convent, but she remained an important figure in the movement for ecclesiastical reform, which strongly influenced imperial politics throughout the rest of the 11th century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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