Aetius, Flavius

Aetius, Flavius

Roman general
born , Durostorum, Moesia Inferior [modern Silistra, Bulgaria]
died September 21, 454

      Roman general and statesman who was the dominating influence over Valentinian III (emperor 425455).

      The son of a magister equitum (“master of the cavalry”), Aetius in his youth spent some time as a hostage with the Visigothic leader Alaric, and later with the Huns, thus acquiring valuable knowledge of the leading tribal peoples of his day. From 423 to 425 he supported the usurper John in Italy. After successful battles in Gaul against the Visigoths and the Franks, Aetius was appointed in 430 magister utriusque militiae (“master of both services”). On the death of his rival Bonifacius in 432, he quickly gained almost complete control over the young emperor Valentinian III. Aetius thereby became the dominant personality in the Western Empire. He was consul three times (432, 437, 446), a unique distinction for one who was not a member of the emperor's family, and it was said that envoys from the provinces were no longer sent to the emperor, but to Aetius. He was given the title of patrician in 435, and for several years thereafter fought continuously and successfully in Gaul against rebels and hostile tribes. In 435437 he mercilessly destroyed the Burgundian kingdom at Worms (an event remembered in the Nibelungenlied, a German epic poem written c. 1200) and in 437439 checked the Visigoths at Toulouse. He returned to Italy in 440. In 451 he joined with the Visigoths in defeating Attila in the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains, but when Attila invaded Italy in the following year, Aetius could do little to oppose him. At the height of his power Aetius was murdered by Valentinian at the instigation of Petronius Maximus, the future emperor.

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