

      (Arabic:announcement”), the Muslim call to Friday public worship and to the five daily hours of prayer. It is proclaimed by the muezzin, a servant of the mosque chosen for good character, as he stands at the door or side of a small mosque or in the minaret of a large one. The adhān was originally a simpleCome to prayer,” but, according to tradition, Muḥammad consulted his followers with a view to investing the call with greater dignity. The matter was settled when ʿAbd Allāh ibn Zayd dreamed that the faithful should be summoned by a crier. The standard Sunnite adhān can be translated as:Allāh is most great. I testify that there is no god but Allāh. I testify that Muḥammad is the prophet of Allāh. Come to prayer. Come to salvation. Allāh is most great. There is no god but Allāh.” The first phrase is proclaimed four times, the final phrase once, and the others twice, the worshipers making a set response to each phrase.

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Universalium. 2010.

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