Adamkus, Valdas

Adamkus, Valdas

president of Lithuania
Adamkus originally  Adamkavecius 
born Nov. 3, 1926, Kaunas, Lith.

      president of Lithuania (19982003 and 2004– ).

      During World War II Adamkus fought with Lithuanian insurrectionists against Soviet rule, published an underground newspaper during the Nazi occupation, and then resumed the fight against the returning Soviet army. In 1944 he fled to Germany, where he attended the University of Munich. In 1949 he immigrated with his family to the United States, settling in a Lithuanian American community in Chicago, where in 1960 he graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology with a degree in civil engineering. In the 1950s and '60s he was active in émigré politics.

      Adamkus began a career with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) upon its inception in 1970. In 1971 he was chosen the deputy administrator for the Midwest region and 10 years later was appointed regional administrator. Among his principal achievements was a program that improved the water quality of the Great Lakes. He also helped to address environmental problems in eastern Europe by supplying consultative and other services. When he retired from the EPA in 1997, he had the longest tenure of any senior executive.

      Adamkus then announced that he would return to Lithuania, become a citizen, and run for president. The announcement was not received favourably by all Lithuanians, some of whom called him a carpetbagger. Others, however, likened him to a prodigal son who was returning home. He lost the first round of the voting, held in late 1997, but in the runoff on Jan. 4, 1998, he won by a margin of less than 1 percent. He supported eventual membership both in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and in the European Union, while at the same time working to ease tensions with Russia and achieve friendly relations with Lithuania's neighbours generally. He faced continuing difficulties in the post-Soviet economy but was able to increase economic growth and lower unemployment. In 2003 Adamkus was upset in his bid for reelection by Rolandas Paksas; however, Adamkus won a second term in a special election held in 2004 after Paksas was impeached.

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Universalium. 2010.

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